Friday, May 24, 2013

Super easy, fast, and delicious: Guacamole!

James and I eat a LOT of mexican food... and I'm positive that I could eat it for three meals a day and not get sick of it for a long time ;) On that note, as much as I love guacamole from our local Whole Foods/New Seasons Market I love homemade guacamole SO much more. I usually go the lazy route and have James throw some together but lately it just hasn't tasted the way I want it to so instead of telling him things to add/take out i decided to just make it how I used to do it :)


3 avocados
2 roma tomatoes (the picture has three but I only ended up putting 2 in)
1 large clove garlic plus 1 small one minced (I only say those sizes because that's what I had on hand instead of 2 medium ones haha)
lemon and lime juice (i use stuff from the bottle out of ease but you could easily use 1/2 lemon and 1/2 lime for this)
a pinch or two of cumin
a pinch or two of ground California chili pepper
a pinch or two of salt
a pinch of two (see a common theme here? haha) of ground black pepper
1/4-1/2 chopped onion (I used about 1/3)

To prepare the avocados I cut them lengthwise in half, pop the seed out with a sharp knife, then cut the "pulp" into cubes while it's still in its shell (careful not to stab yourself through the skin!). Then I take a spoon and scoop it all out in to a bowl.

Next I just eyeballed the amount of lemon and lime juice that I used (I like using both for a different flavor but you could certainly use just one of them), but it was probably about 1/2 lemon and 1/2 limes' worth of juice. I tossed the avocado chunks around in it, finely minced my garlic cloves, put them as well as the salt, pepper, cumin, and red chili pepper into the bowl.

 Next I just mashed it all up and made sure to mix it well. I then chopped up my tomatoes (I usually de-seed one of them so there's not a lot of tomato juice in the finished guac but I've found that if i do that on both then it's not as good) and thew them in, as well as about 1/3 of an onion (more or less to taste). I'm a huge fan of tomato chunks in my guacamole and although I love the flavor of onion in it, I wasn't in the mood for big onion chunks today so i did smaller ones. Mis well and let sit for at least an hour if possible (I was up super early this morning so I just made it, covered it in plastic wrap, and put it in the fridge until dinner time tonight)

Look how delicious that looks!!! YUMMMM!!


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