Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sure why not :)

I got these questions from my Roxanne, who got them from her sister and since I like the questions I suppose I'll answer them about myself/my life :)

What's your biggest fear?
Dying and being alone. Dying, not because I'm afraid of how or why I die.... but because I'm terrified of Alex growing up without me. He's a mommas boy and we have a very close bond; I could never imagine him having to grow up without a mother :( Being alone is not so much of a "oh my gosh my house is empty and i'm scared now" type of a thing, but of a "i'm completely and utterly ALONE" type of thing. No friends, no family, no house, no car, no familiarity to my life or surroundings whatsoever.I'm also terrified of losing Alex like I lost my Godson Landon. I know that that situation is COMPLETELY unrealistic to ever happen to Alex, but it's still a very real fear of mine. OH and another one is losing control of my body... like going blind, deaf, or becoming paralyzed. I'm scared of a lot of stuff hahahaha 

What's your smallest fear?
Wild animal (coyotes, bears, and wild cats (bobcats/cougars) scare the living crap out of me).

Any pet peeves?
HA! Where to begin?? First and foremost: HORRIBLE PARKERS. This bugs me so much in fact that I (as most of you know) take pictures of crappy parking jobs and blast them all over facebook or my horrible parking blog ("Crossing the Line" is what it's called lol). The rest of my list: People who try to get pregnant, and then complain for the entire 9 months about every little thing that's happening to their bodies.... umm HELLO! You're growing a HUMAN BEING inside of a tiny uterus.... it isn't supposed to be rainbows and butterflies! Young girls in revealing clothing and too much makeup. People who prob their baby's bottles up instead of taking the ten minutes to hold the child and feed them with your own hands. People who chew crunchy stuff with their mouths open. People who blast their significant other all over facebook and then tell people to "mind their own business" when comments are made on it. People with chronic piss-poor attitutes, a "poor me" mentality, learned helplessness, chronic anxiety/depression (and this is coming from me, who is taking antidepressants.... It's not that depression bugs me... it's when people cannot find a single thing good in their life), etc. People who claim that their baby is colicky because it cries for a few hours at night for a few weeks..... BITCH PLEASE!! My son cried NON STOP for almost 8 MONTHS. My parents and I had to take turns caring for him because if we had him for more than 45min at a time you wanted to smother him to make him stop crying. And it wasn't just crying... it was blood curdling screams and hysterical sobs (so tell me again why I'm supposed to want another child lol). People who give me shit for getting my tubes tied at 25: last time i checked this was MY life and i'm taking control of MY body. (see my other blogs for why this was done). Ummmmm gosh I could honestly keep going but I won't because I'm getting all mad just thinking of this stuff hahaha!! 

If you had four or more children (two boys and two girls) what would you name them?
Boy names that I love: Hunter and Austin (ironically enough James' oldest sons' name is Austin lol). I also like the name Jack/Jackson
Girls: Madison and Cheyenne

What is something you regret?
I'm not one to regret much in my life.... I guess my biggest regret was stopping dance and swim teams in high school and gaining so much weight after high school.

What moment do you remember most of Elementary School?
I remember getting in trouble a lot for being mean to other kids :\ And for talking all the time haha.

Who is your longest friendship with?
Noelle Vinson, Jennifer Henderling, and quite a few others have been friends since elementary school. Carrie and I have been friends since middle school.

What is the weirdest spiritual/paranormal thing you ever witnessed?
Ummmm I can't think of any except for when Carrie and I used to use a Ouji board in her basement *shudder* lol!

If you were in therapy, what would you be discussing?
How to not be so short tempered, how to control my anger and TALK things out without snapping at someone first, learning to be patient with people, learning to be a more relaxed mother to Alex (My son is dang near perfect for a reason... I'm hard on him and it bugs me after the fact), and learning to not let small stuff bother me so much.

If you could learn more about any one thing, what would it be?
Neuroscience as a whole. I LOVE the subject and love learning all there is to know about it.

Top 3 favorite desserts?
Carrot Cake
Cookie dough/brownie batter

Favorite nail polish?
Red Ruby Slippers by (I think it's by) China Glaze. That's what color my toes are 90% of the time.

Everyone says they want twins, why would YOU want them?
Raising twins, in my opinion, would be easier than going back and re-rasing Alex for the first year of his life. I would want boy/girl twins though so I get one of each haha

Favorite all time (could read one hundred times) book?
There are authors that I could re-read... i'm not big on rereading books though: Jodi Piccoult, Nora Roberts' trilogies, Janet Daily (the Caulder Series is fantastic), and I think that's it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I get scared to death about what happened to Landon happening to my kid (the ones I don't and to Noah. What happened is always going to be with us, no matter what, and that's the part that kills me. There is no way to get over that... you know?

    Also, I'm scared out of my mind about leaving too -- like when I was supposed to be in San Diego alone -- I was so worried about everything! Hopefully I can pull the trigger (health wise too!) this next Fall. :-)

    Also, I'm pretty sure you and I could come up with a top 1,000 for pet peeves! LOL... people who pick up man whole things and put then down the wrong away for 1! :-)

