Thursday, December 6, 2012


Sometimes I TRULY question my taste in friends lol.
It usually starts out as "oh she's pretty (LOL yes this is typically said in my head in this process. Don't judge me!) and I think we talked a few times in high school so sure I'll accept her friend request!" (yes, it's typically women here). And after a year or so i realize said friend is either a hypochondriac or a conspiracy theorist lol.

Current example:
If you link me to a video such as "ALERT- Obamacare mandates FDA-approved implantable RFID chips!" , and I tell you "The sources are a company who makes RFID's in Canada, an FDA page that isn't found (­41.htm), and a link to a document from Congress that does not have "rfid" or even the word "radio" in it (I did a simple word search of the doc to find this out). Where in the law does it say this?".... and you (instead of defending your beliefs yourself) send your husband to say this "Brittany, it's also known as the Verichip" and then I say that "Verichip" is not in said Congress document either, and then he links me to an opinion piece on SodaHead ( don't be surprised if  i start complaining to everyone around me (thank you Lynzee  and James for listening to me lol), type out four separate responses, delete them all, and then defriend you from facebook.

Before you start to tell me I'm intolerant of those who don't believe what I believe (which happened a lot during the last election) know this: I am 100% ok with you believing what you want.... but when I prove your sources aren't legit and you link me to an OPINION PIECE on a website that also has articles titled "Does Taylor Swift Move On Too Fast?", "The Big Question: Have you ever had a crush on someone you weren't supposed to?", "What Should the Royal Baby Be Named?", "Would You Wear a Sports Bra That Can Secretly Hide Your Favorite Beverage?", "Angelina Jolie Might Stay Home With Kids: Should She Quit Acting?", etc... do NOT expect me to take either you OR the article seriously. Not to mention that article ALSO has broken FDA links like the first one did.

That's really all I wanted to rant about tonight ;)


  1. The first paragraph made me laugh.
    Unfortunately I've been in a similar situation and it's annoying. Then I'm like, "Ugh, why is this bothering me?" which only bothers me even more! I'm with you, I really don't care who someone votes for, as long as you try to be an educated voter. :)

    1. Oh my gosh THANK YOU!!!! :) That's exactly how I feel too!
